Saturday 16 March 2013

How To Make A Website

Making a website doesn't have to be difficult. The problem is that we often find ourselves in situations where we don't know where to start. We all know that saying, "A journey of one thousand miles starts with a single step" - but what do we do if we don't know how to make that initial movement? Well you have come to the right place. I am here to teach you exactly how to make a website.

The first step in making a website is getting your domain and hosting set up. This is essentially what is going to make your website live on the internet. This also gives you ownership of your ".com". I recommend using either Bluehost or HostGator. Both are great sources for hosting. Be sure to check out the video as well for an awesome way to get discounted rates on your hosting account.

Once you have your domain and hosting set up, you can install the platform that you want your site to launch on. Simply go to either "simple scripts" or "quick install" on your hosting control panel. If you are starting a blog or a normal website, I recommend Wordpress. If you are starting a forum, there are options on there for you too. The options are endless for what you can do.

With just a few clicks, you will have installed your platform onto your hosting account. Now just access your new platform control panel with the login information given to you and start editing your site! I recommend you then check out other youtube videos to learn the ins and outs of your new platform. You will soon be the master of it!